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I have finished translating it. It's a great game!     

I have uploaded it to Google.


Thank you so much for this, I’ll take a look as soon as I can!

I checked out the translation, and you did a great job!

Would you like me to upload it to the game’s page? I’ll be sure to credit you!


No problem.

I think it's a good idea.


I like this game very much. It's great. Can I translate it? I want to bring it to Chinese players!

Thank you, of course you can translate it!! I’m flattered that you want to! <3


Thank you for your support. Once I have completed the translation, I will send you a copy


Lovely and emotion inspiring, sometimes it's just frustrating to get all the bad endings until you reach the ending that's the most difficult: Number 3. It has good replayability and has been a very fun experience on games this year for me. Good job on this piece.

(1 edit)

Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! :)


Great art, music and the story was really good too! While the music puzzle gave me a little trouble in just finding where to do it LOL I really enjoyed this game! Thanks again LiminAce for making it you're actually so amazing! Best of luck on your other game!

Funny story, I actually remember watching some of your videos while working on the game. Thank you for playing! :)


i loved this!! there seems to be always at least one banger visual novel in every rpg maker jam haha.


the story was really intriguing, being centered around two characters that effortlestly hold the weight that's required of them for everything to work. marissa really feels like someone stuck in mundanity, and with no experience in healthy romantic relationships, who slowly grows and finds her true worth through the course of the story. and cordelia does a great job at feeling like a welcoming host, being a lot more "refined" in her manners and way of speaking (kudos to the writing there!), before we start to find out things that make her pleasant personality feel a *lot* more unsettling. there clearly was a lot of effort put into the character work!! :>

i really really liked the art! the backgrounds were really clean and readable, and especially the character images were SUPER stylish! a good visual identity is important to make a game stand out and i think this game nails that. the faces are super expressive and can pull off warm and welcoming, scared, disturbingly angry and pretty much every emotion the moment needs. i LOVED the small comic-like "cutscenes", they add a ton of personality. and ik it's a random compliment but i really like how hair is drawn! :D the art really pops at every second and i have next no to complaints as to how everything looks.

i managed to get all endings (all of them were pretty intuitive to get, which isn't easy so well done!). and i loved how it wasn't just "1 good ending and 7 bad ones". like the description says, they aren't really good or bad depending on how you look at them. though like others, i got stuck in the music sheet part. but hey props for putting the answer in the comments!

i'm just now starting to get into trying more dialogue/character focused games, and this was a great way to prove how good this genre can be!!


Thank you for the kind words! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I, too am stuck on the music puzzle;; I don't know how to read sheet music and have no clue what order/number combo to make it work to get that ending;; Otherwise, I really enjoyed the game so far!

EDIT: Ah, thanks to the player below, I was able to complete the game. I highly recommend including a walkthrough for new players for things like this, though that's just a suggestion! ;w;/

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In hindsight, I’m realizing now that one of the cutscenes would’ve been perfect for a little music lesson. Just to make things a bit easier for the sheet music part, the answer is:

1 5 4 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 3

And btw, thank you for playing! :)

(Edited to fix a mistake. My bad :p)


the code that worked for me had a 3 at the end instead of a 2. idk if that's random in-game or something like that though.


Made a mistake while typing that up, it’s meant to be a 3 :p.

Here’s the link to the OST:


The game has alot of epic graphics (i find them very woah) 

And yes i like the story and the character design (especially Cordelia) 



That's a lot of cg woahhhh

I love it simple, yet it works, the whole place doesn't feels that empty~

The psychological aspect of both character interests me a lot. Mari who struggles to stand up for herself and Cordelia who will do anything in order not to be alone~

Although (Spoiler)

I wish Cordelia gets her own happiness in the leaving ending. She's after all, part of the bad cycle that happens between siren and humans.


Thank you so much for playing! I’m glad that you liked it! <3


Thank you to everyone who has played this so far!


Hi, can you setup the platform installation information so itch app can detect the game for automatic installation? Thankssss <3


I’m not too sure how to do this, but I’ll try to figure it out. Thanks for checking out the page!


oh it's the uploads section in the edit menu! you just need to put a checkmark on what platform the build is for <3

also may I ask how many endings are to be expected?


Thank you, it should be set up now. I reuploaded some files yesterday and forgot to check those :p

There’s 5 different endings to the game: 2 of them can be unlocked near the start, and the other 3 are unlocked as you go on.

Hope you enjoy it! :)


Alright, I've managed to get all endings, and so far the experience has been great! Love the artstyle, the changes in dialogues when interacting with objects everyday, the room layouts, effects and sfx, and the endings! The piano puzzle can be quite tricky tho, but I'm glad I figured it out with your help.

My only few criticism are that the artstyle is pretty goofy sometimes, the arms and hands from characters should be fixed a bit, Marissa's eyes are bigger than Cordelia? (though I totally understand if that's your own artistic decision) The music can be better also.

Overall, I think this is the best submission in RPG Maker Horror Game Jam #4 up to this point, and I also made a playthrough for your game, my viewers will love to try out your game! Keep up the good work.


Thank you for playing! I’m glad that you liked it! <3



Hello, I've been trying to break the code for the piano! I don't know which note goes with which number, can you help plz? It's the last ending I'm trying to get!

(1 edit) (+1)

I probably should’ve made it a bit clearer, sorry!

1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C, 4 - D, 5 - E, 6 - F, 7 - G, 8 - High A

You can find sheet music for the song, somewhere in the house.

Props to you for getting all of the endings, and thanks for playing! :)


(I actually did find the music sheet and I immediately knew it has something to do with getting an ending, but I swear the last time I studied piano was in elementary school and I forgot everything since then lol)


This was a really fun project to work on!!!!!